Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some fun things....

Well it's been a while (I don't post nearly as often as I have material for) here are a few updates.

Nathan turned 5!
Kessa turned 3!
so now the kids are 3,5,7, and 9 instead of 2, 4, 6, and 8.
(that was fast there huh?)

Some funny stuff:
Nathan went on his Grammy Date with my mom (aka Grammy)....she took him to Red Robin's for dinner. When she asked him if he saved room for dessert he started clearing away his plate and napkins......She asks him what he's doing that for and he says while motioning to the now cleared table in front of him "I have room for my dessert!"

Ryan was sitting in the backseat of the van with Brandon, listening to an MP3 player. I have the headphones on a splitter so they can both listen to the one player. Ryan asks Brandon to "turn the volume up one decibel please".

Kessa is a fan of Hannah Montana......I don't know how, why, or where she was introduced to HM but she likes her none the less. Now for those of you not familiar with HM it's a Nickelodeon tv show where Miley Cyrus (Billy Ray's daughter) plays herself as a normal high school teenager and has a secret life as Pop Singer Hannah Montanna (blonde wig and all). Well yesterday we were walking through WalMart and I noticed a book stand filled with HM books. I pointed to one and asked Kessa who that was and she yelled out "momma!!! Dat's Hannah Tanna!!!!" So I pointed to another book and she say's "Dat's Hannah Tanna!" So I thought I'd trick her and point to the one of her with her normal "darker" hair and Kessa looks at it and in a not so impressed voice says "Dat's Miley Cyrus". And here I thought I was fooling her.

Well, it's time to get my 2nd place in forms/2nd place in weapons at ATA Nationals tush off to Taekwondo class tonight :)


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