Monday, November 26, 2007

He's growing up.....:(

Tonight on the way home from karate Ryan asked if there really was a Santa. I didn't have to come up with an answer right then because Ryan can't just ask a question and wait for an answer, he has to add his own hypothesis onto the question and debate his own answers, so we ended up discussing whether magic was real instead of Santa. This will probably be the last year he will truly believe. I never really cried with milestones like walking or first day of school so I'm not sure why this one is hitting me this way. Maybe I'm just over tired and emotional, or maybe the thought of my oldest not believing in Santa is too much of a reality dose that he really is growing up.

Santa, in case you're reading my blog, just wanted to let you know that *I* believe, and I'll be looking forward to Christmas morning because I've been REALLY good this year.

Kylie (child at heart)

1 comment:

Watson Family said...

They grow up so fast! Your children are fortunate to have a mother who is forever young at heart. :)